As I finish up my Bachelor’s degree, I am very curious to know what is required of a Computer Science major when it comes to laptop requirements. My laptop was a fairly inexpensive $400 new unit from Best Buy. As with most laptops, there is an application that must be on your computer to use the laptop. With some programs, you have to be online for certain lengths of time before they start. So, I will describe what I have and how I obtained my laptop.
I understand that most colleges in the United States require students to have a minimum of one year of computer science in addition to their Bachelor’s degree. However, many schools are very liberal about this requirement. Some best site even allow students to complete two separate computer science degrees, which is fine. What I will have to do in order to fulfill the computer science requirements at my college is to complete two semesters with at least a 3.0 GPA. The reasoning behind this is because most college courses today have multiple sections and require multiple assignments in order to be complete.
First, let me explain the laptop requirements at my school. Most of the classes that we take have multiple sections and will require several hours of computing time for each section. In many cases, this will total several hours of lecture and lab time. If you are going to complete all of this work, you must be able to demonstrate your ability to complete multiple tasks in a timely manner.
My school has several requirements for a student to complete in order to complete their Bachelor’s degree. The first requirement states that the student must complete at least three years of computer science at the college level or be admitted into their program. This is a long time to complete and it is not uncommon for a student to spend four years getting through the requirements. This requires a lot of student attention and dedication.
Second, they require the student to take at least one year of college coursework using an approved computer program. This will typically include courses such as Discrete Mathematics, Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry, Chemistry, Programming, Analysis and also Probability/Statistics. These require specialized computer programs that will support the requirements of the specific courses. You will have to decide which courses you want to take in order to fulfill the requirements for your laptop.
Third, they will require that you use a laptop that has adequate battery life. Remember, you will be spending several hours of study time using the laptop. You want to be sure that you have enough battery power to complete the tasks during class time. You do not want to find yourself out of class because you ran out of battery power!
The last requirement is the most important one of all. You must be able to demonstrate that you have completed the laptop in a manner that demonstrates your computer skills. This requires that you pass the GMAT. You can take an online practice test or take a simulated GMAT exam. Either way will satisfy the requirements for having completed the laptop.
As you can see, there are quite a few things that must be fulfilled for the student to meet the requirements needed to fulfill the laptop. Even though it can be difficult to keep up with them, they are very important requirements to fulfill when it comes to taking a computer science course. Without them, a student is not qualified to take any of the many classes offered in the field today.